Activity Feed
Chad Shelton
Such a wonderful engagement with his muscular action.
Ana Figueroa Cóbar
"Charlie without his wings" Thank you for the opportunity.
Chad Shelton
I like how you’ve worked your narrative into the piece. Looking to embody his sense of loss. I felt similar and wanted to work with the male model, but didn’t feel I could starting a week late into the comp.
Hannah DeForest
First full figure, but definitely not my last! It's so hard to do hands and faces that small! This sculpture is 18 inches tall. Thank you!!!
Chad Shelton
What a sensitive modeling of the hands.
Chad Shelton
The site is not allowing me to attach images of my sculpture. It’s not giving me the drag and drop option like it was. Nor will it let me search for available files on my iPad. Any thoughts? Hopefully you’re not a stickler for a midnight deadline. Cuz I’ve been trying for a while.
Chad Shelton
About 18” BTW.
Chad Shelton
So midnight on Monday the 8th, tomorrow, is the submission deadline? I didn’t get to start till last weekend, so I could use all the time I can get. 😂
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