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added comment inNarrated Checklist - Angela Merkel
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Hi, this a caricature of Olivia Wilde. Thanks a lot !
Hi @Arnaud BARBIER, nice drawing! I think you did a good job capturing the expression.
- The likeness could be improved on, I think. Take a look at your carricature of Michel Vuillermoz. Notice how the shape of the eyes in your drawing is the same as the shape of the eyes in the reference. The same goes for his other features.
In your carricature of Bobby Cannavale you don't really have this. The shape of eyes for example, dosen't resemble the shape of the eyes in the photo to me. In the photo I see a curved top and flat bottom lid, and a strong narrowing on the outside. In your drawing the bottom lid is curved down, and the eye doesn't pinch as clearly on the outside.
I'm not an experienced caricaturist, so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I think you would benefit from doing this:
First draw the person without carricaturing. Try to get the shapes as close to the reference as possible. This will strengthen your eye, and your ability to capture shapes.
Then once you have a drawing that looks like the subject, do a carricature on top of it. Use the shapes you've drawn already, and play around with them. Pull and stretch the shapes in different ways that you think represents the persons unique character.
@Court Jones, what's your thoughts on this?
- I did a paintover where I tried moving around and scaling the features. If you're working digitally you might want to experiment with this too. You could stretch and bend the features too.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
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Hi, this the final sketch of a french actor, Michel Vuillermoz. Thanks !
Hi, this is a caricature o Andrew Garfield. I solved the problem between my pen and my tablet (which lasted for 3 months).
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Hello, this is the caricature of John Cleese : rough sketch and final sketch. Thanks a lot.
Hi @Arnaud BARBIER, nice job! The feature lines seem to converge correctly, and the eye sockets really feel deep and dimensional in the second image. And most importantly, I think you've captured some of the likeness.
-I find it tricky to critique caricatures, so I went ahead and did a few quick sketches myself. Afterwards I wrote down a list of things that I think showed up often in my sketches. Some that I found that I think could be brought into yours are:
expressive eyebrows; his right (our left) feels raised and pointed, compared to the other one
mischievous smile (raise the corner of the mouth, moustache and nasolabial fold to show this)
- In your second image, it would be nice if you indicated the chin's planes to give it a stronger sense of structure.
I hope this is useful :)
Hi @Arnaud BARBIER, nice caricature! I'm pretty new to caricaturing (I took Court's course in 2020), but I've looked through some of your recent posts and will try my best to help you further:
- I think you could benefit from paying more attention to the angle of things. In the reference you used for this caricature of Emmanuel Macron for example, his eyes seem to be angled inward and his ear has a clear backward angle, while the hairline in front of the ear is vertical. I think caricaturing this could bring even more likeness into your drawing.
- While exploring caricature, I think you would benefit a lot from taking a course that teaches you more about the fundamentals of drawing. The better you know the fundamentals, the more freely you'll be able to express yourself in caricature. To make an analogy, you could think of the fundamentals as the language, and caricature as a topic. The more confident you are in the language, the more freely you can express your thoughts in the topic.
If you're looking for a drawing fundamentals course, I think you would appreciate the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course. New Master's Academy's "Beginner's Guide To Drawing" could be a good complement.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
Asked for help
Hello, this is a final sketch of Emmanuel Macron, president of France (with the thumbnails, the rough sketch and the abstraction).