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Heyo Jack
added comment inLooking for feedback for the arm anatomy on this figure sculputre
Hi I am trying to nail the anatomy of the arm. Feeling some issues with placing the flexors, some of the extensors, and the elbow joint. Would love some feedback. Never mind the hand and torso :)
Heyo Jack
Hey could someone tell me if this bulge here is the flexordigitorum supeficialis poking thhrough the tendons neighbor tendons?
Heyo Jack
Asked for help
- The shadow values are a bit mixed up with the values in the light. Before adding nuances, try to fill your shadow shapes with an even (really try to make it even) value, so that light and shadow are clearly separated. Value control when shading is really important and becomes more necessary the more information you want to include, like adding halftones after having separated light and shadow for example. As a rule of thumb "the darkest light should be lighter than the lightest dark". You might appreciate this video Mind-Blowing Realistic Shading Tricks
Are you familiar with values? If not, you might want to practice doing value studies. You can read about it here I really like this exercise :)
- The upper arm could come toward us more. Right now it feels a bit two dimensional. The proportions look pretty accurate, so it's a matter of subtle changes. I think the most important thing is to make yourself aware that it's coming toward you. Then you do what you can to communicate that. It might help to start with a light underdrawing where you focus on form.
I like the process that I've seen Glenn Vilppu use in this Drawing Demo by Glenn Vilppu (the first minutes, and at timestamp 21:00 for example). You start with a flow, then contain it with the major forms, then add the rest. I've found it to give my drawings stronger gesture and three dimensionality.
Hope this helps :)
Asked for help
Not sure I did a good design of the shadoww shapes. Got confusd of the light hitting some of the edges of the flexor and ulna
Hi is there any ecorche of the entire body in the anatomy course. can only find separate muscles as 3d models. not the whole model in its entirety. Would be useful to see how everything wedges together.
Heyo Jack
Asked for help
might be misinterpreting some shapes of the triceps. The separation of the long head looks a bit curious to me on this model. Also perhaps losing a bit of the proportion and perspective when drawing out the gesture. :)