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Aymeric Vautard
added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
Asked for help
Been on this for a long loooong time, finally have the courage to post for feedback. Done those quite recently. Feedback welcome and always enormously appreciated :D

Hi! As someone who's been stuck on this lesson for years (I just couldn't get it), I feel like I can share some words of advice. Over time I realized I don't like Proko's method of figure drawing. Not that it's bad, it's just not for me so it might be the same for you, it's worth trying out alternatives. Imo the biggest problem holding back your sketches is the contours. Even though you learned not to draw contours of muscles, you're still "outlining the body" so to say. This makes the proportion issues very obvious and not easily fixable, as you'll never have such precision that you'll make perfect sketches.
Instead of Proko, I recommend Michael Hampton's figure drawing book. The most useful things I got out of it are learning how lines can flow into one another to create a pleasing looking sketch and learning to not care about the body outline, but rather build it from the inside out. If you don't like reading, he also has a youtube channel with demonstrations.
Those are great! I like the flowing lines, and you're definitely using the CSI elements. Probably something to work on would be proportion (we all need to work on that haha) It looks like your limbs and torsos tend to be a little wide so keep that in mind when you're practicing.
Really cool, they have got a nice flow.