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added comment inStructure Basics – Making Things Look 3D
Asked for help
Would like to get some feedback for my structure drawings. Various animals and some items from my work desk. Most of the animals was the head as it seemed to be more complicated than the body, and also had trouble finding a variety of animal pics.
@aruki the beans look good!
Try to evolve them so that they feel more gestural. If you watch more of Stan’s videos, they show how he starts making the beans more fluid and thrown as a gesture, and how he starts adding lines for the limbs, so basically they become as fluid as gesture pics from the first section.
Another thing that he does is making parts of the beans in bold - where the tension is or a fold of skin. Try adding more accents this way.
Asked for help
Would like some feedback on a sample of some of my recent gestures, I have been doing other studies and gestures before I started the course so anything to improve on that I may not know about would be appreciated.
I think they look very good! one thing I would challenge you to do is exaggerating the dynamic poses on the second page a bit more. This is hard and, as Stan says, you kinda have to break the rules there, but the end result is a much more interesting figure!
these are spectacular short time poses!! You really captured movement and the dynamics of each pose and you could definitely tell they’re dramatic. Well done.