Ian McMackin
Bay Area, Northern CA
I am a beginner, looking forward to learning new creative skills, especially painting.
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Ian McMackin
added comment inGesture Critique
To improve energy I suggest that you look for implied lines or flow through lines. An example is a strong implied line that goes from the outside of the character's right ankle flows up and to the right, then turns at the hip and curves back to left passing behind the arm. This line is like the curved part of an uppercase D, the edge of body only deviates slightly from this smooth curve. The line kinda swoops, adds the impression of lift to the arm gestures. Hope that helps. -Ian
Ian McMackin
Hello Dorian,
Here is my first practice drawing for the Accuracy Guide Lesson 1.3, along with a photo of the subject. Please let me know if there are big problems, am ignoring some basics?
Thanks, looking forward to the rest of the class. - Ian