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added comment inProko Challenge Odd Bots - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
This is mech codenamed "Blowfish", created for Sinix's Mech Design course. Meant for deep sea exploration, its legs can detach and the body can swim around as a regular submarine.
Alexander Binder
oh cool design!!!
Oops, a very last minute submission here for my Rice Cooker Bot. I think somewhere down the line people would get lazy enough to make a robot that literally cook and serve them rice! He is really nice and friendly, just wanting to feed you up, kinda like a grandma, u know?! Or maybe I was just hungry while coming up with this idea lol.
Enjoy the bot!
Hey, guys!
I hope I'm still on time to send my weird robot to this month's challenge /o/
My entry for the oddbot challenge the cyclops skullbot! Made in traditional 3D :)
Hi, this is my last minute submission, the flying florest guardian, S.A.R.U. mk.III ! :P
The main idea behind the design is a tree climbing scout for deep forest biomas, used by researchers to monitor and even collect material very quickly! Sun and wind powered!