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Liz Gridley
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He has some great videos on his youtube about how to prep your pencils, and gradually add medium - its a slow process - he also has a patreon to ask him directly!
Thanks I'll try that out
I have a question about how Stephen Bauman gets his shading to become so smooth, I'm not sure whether its by incorrect usage of a shading pencil or I'm not spending enough time on an individual piece, but I can't get those smooth value gradations. Wondering if anyone has an idea as to how he does it
I was practicing shading and trying to get a likeness to the photo. Hoping for a critique on what I can improve and do better on next time. And yah next time I'll make sure to finish the hair.
How long did you guys spend working on fundamentals before you decided to start working creatively.
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Hello there! Here's my attempt to this assignment, i think i had a hard time mostly with the kraft paper that i used, and then i tried to make the highligths more noticeable with a white pencil (and ended up disliking a little bit the end result, but, oh well).. so there you go, my first post on the platform!
I feel you captured the cores really well the shading looks nice and well done. I think next time you should take a little more time on the construction of the head and making sure you get the proportions down since the far right side of the looks pretty small in comparison to the model, and the gesture of the far right side is leaning backwards.
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I feel I did okay on this, I used graphite, and took about 4 hours. Hoping for a little advice on what I should keep in mind for my next drawing.