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Rex Mogee
added comment in12 Days of Sketchbook Tours + Challenge!
Asked for help
Saint Nick. Managed to get it looking half decent in the 30 minute window.
I used infinite painter and the Proko pencil.
Dippede Doodle
Hi Rex! Very nice work! Cool to see some stuff outside the how to draw comics academy. Good luck with the challenge.
Rex Mogee
Day Four… I forgot to do it yesterday! Went for a comic style this time.
It’s another Pexels find… because it’s hot and I want to watch the 3rd season of the Orville. (It’s good! FYI)
day 3, ballpoint pen sketch from reference photo (with a bit of under-drawing in red pencil)
Trying to freehand the dishes in perspective was a mistake lol, the shapes of the ovals are surprisingly delicate.
Rex Mogee
Day 2... I didn't want to die from heatstroke so I avoided the shed and found a picture from Pexels of one of my dad's old cameras. (I'm an Aussie... It's HOT down here!)
Honestly amazing, I really like your decisions where you vary the line weight on specific components of the camera to add depth.
Your choice of horizontal lines also do help de-clutter the noise in the original reference image making it pleasing to observe.
The Vintage rolleflex camera (as an engineering art form) is already elegant and you managed to make the drawing appear better than the reference. Keep it up man haha!
Not good drawing day, but everyday is drawing day. Went to our local aircraft museum today, the museum was actually not heated, i could draw for 45 min before my fingers got too cold to go on. 😅 Straight to the paper with pigma micron markers. Continued at home a little with pictures. (The swastika is not nazi sign here, if i remember correctly finnish airforce had this sign before nazi germany)
day 2, more ink sketches this time (from photo reference) with a bit of under-drawing, also trying out some marker (with mixed results, shadows are too warm).
Rex Mogee
Day One... The Wall... and the basket... and the other wall... and the cabinet.
... That moment where you realize you don't know how to draw a cylinder T-T . Clearly I needs more practice.
Looks great ! And of course eclipses are pain :) nothing else, but practice the hell out of them. All of them look really in place, only the sharp ends on top of the basket could use some roundness as now they flatten it a bit (but maybe it is not full circle in cross section?)
"You shall pass"
My entry for the challenge, I have attached some close-ups too.
It was so fun to paint so many skulls!
Rex Mogee
Halloween - the best time of the year for Necromancy and Grave-robbing.
Happy Halloween Everyone!
- Rex