Submit your questions before the livestream starts!
I'll be showing a portrait oil painting demo while discussing painting concepts and answering your questions live!
Get my Masterpiece Demo - Portrait Painting in Oil using Sight Size Method

Gail Wilson
I struggle with backgrounds and often spend much more time on that than on the subject, How do you approach that.
Wayne Lam
Beautiful work!
Margaret Schwirian
Thank you. This has been extremely interesting and informative.

Rose Bernatovich
Thank you Cornelia, beautiful painting!
Atle kristensen
hey Cornelia 😃 love your work! would love a beginners course on oil painting from you here on proko 😊 🇳🇴

Ellen Bazzoli
I have not seen all of the stream.. will later:) I was curious if you mix a string of colors? It seems to be on your palette but they are very dark.

Nina McMenamin
Cornelia, your workshops were the best and it is such a blessing to find you here. Can you speak to the idea of when you know when to stop, particularly if the goal is to be more loose and yet accurate. Your work is brilliant and your teaching amazing! And you and Stephen are a powerhouse of creativity and generosity! Wishing you the best!

are you afraid to pain with oils due to the toxicity and such? or do you have some methods to prevent the risk? like not using solvents, or maybe some alternatives?

Can I oil paint without solvents as I have no ventilation.

Renee Reinhardt
There is an instructor that does, but not found here. Would like to see one here, or know if one here is doing that. The other searched out paints of needed consistencies and quality. Clean up, I used a towel to wipe excess, than a brush cleaner, called The Masters Brush Cleaner - good stuff.

Hello Cornelia! Thanks for the wonderful class.
Question: do you think it's better to start a portrait directly with paint? Or is starting it with charcoal a valid method? I've been told that starting with a drawing can cause a stuck brushstroke, without spontaneity. I would like to hear your opinion on this.

Joseph Francis
How do you decide what detail should just be approximated rather than captured? The texture of the fabric in this portrait, for example.

Tanushka Dangayach
I'm an acrylic artist but I want to learn oil painting. Do you have any suggestions for how I can start?

Joseph Francis
Can you talk a bit about blending vs explicitly not blending. Color tiling, I think it’s called?

I struggle with colour theory a lot. I struggle with making the exact same colour that I see on the reference. How do I improve it?
Adela Creative
Could you please describe the mediums you used in creating this work?
Arun Dandiboina
Hello cornelia!!
Love your work and many of them have such a softness. I wonder if you could give any tips on handling pressure especially in graphite.
Thank you..
Hi Cornelia, love your work! What’s is like being an absolute talent powerhouse in the world of painting?
Jaimé Gürtler
I'd also love to know the answer to this one.
Storm Engineer
Hi! Question: Have you ever tried digital? If yes, how you liked it? If no, do you plan to?

how are you thinking about straightlines and anglebreaks throughout the process ?

Favorite painters?