Alla Prima Painting
Course by Stephen Bauman
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2 Lessons
5h 47m
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In my experience as a teacher, alla prima painting is the most effective accelerant for students learning to paint in oil. What we are talking about here is a painting made in one session- a highly repeatable process that ensures progress.
This course will give you an inside look at my alla prima process from start to finish in two videos: a full length video detailing every brush stroke I make, and a refined version featuring all the info condensed into a quarter of the time.
What you will learn
I'll demonstrate the unique approach to values required when painting alla prima, starting with medium values before adding lights and darks towards the end of the rendering process.
2Key Point Indicators
Alla prima requires we simplify certain elements of our painting. One way to do this is by understanding key point indicators, or the basic visual cues needed to represent a subject.
3Working with Oil
Learn how to work with the medium of oil. Many of the techniques we cover will be applicable when working with oil outside of alla prima as well.
I'll show you the materials I use to complete an alla prima painting, and suggest some alternatives for those unable to source the same materials.
Premium Benefits
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Only premium students get to watch the majority of instruction contained in this course. Little to no free content is provided.
Step by Step Process
Watch step by step video demos from start to finish with educational commentary from the instructor. Most of us are visual learners (we’re artists!), so reading about it or hearing it explained is not enough. We have to see it!
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English Captions
All videos included in this course have English closed captions you can turn on or off.
Money Back Guarantee
Contact within 30 days. We usually don't ask questions, but a request is subject to review if over 25% of content was downloaded. This is to protect our instructors from dishonest wardrobing and ensure a happy and thriving community.
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