Show me your art studios!
Chris Bodary
I recently moved. Coming from a small house with no space to have anything permanently set up, to our new house where now I was able to create my own in our basement. It took some time but it was well worth all the customization.
I want to see what you’s all do for your studios if you have the space or the creative things you do to make it! I want all the humble brags and straight up brags!
Studio shares are always fun! Very exciting that you were able to create your own studio space! It looks great! We are in-process of moving to a new house ourselves. This is my previous studio set-up. The new one likely won't be much different, though. I stay home with my kids during the day, so mobility and flexibility are key elements to my workspace. I tried to have a dedicated studio space in the basement, but was never able to get into it for decent chunks of time. Integrating my studio into the common space was the only thing that worked.