Proko's Digital Sketching Brush
Maximillion Whited
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but does anybody know what brush Proko uses when sketching digitally in his Drawing Basics course? I know he uses a physical pencil in a lot of those lessons, but when he's doing a demo digitally (such as in the "Critique - Learning to Sketch from Observation" lesson, from the lines section of the course), I really love how expressive and versatile that brush seems. I attached a screenshot of something he drew with the brush to help identify it. If anybody knows where I could find it, I'd really appreciate it!
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Stan Prokopenko
It from Lane Brown's The Photoshop Master Pack | Photoshop Brush Set . He has a bunch of dry media brushes that you should play with to figure out which you like best. My personal favorite for linear work like you showed is the "Orbik Pencil".
Maximillion Whited
Awesome, I'll check them out! Thanks so much Stan ^^
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