New to the world of sculpting!
Dan B
Hey all!
I've just picked up sculpting and I'm quite keen to see where this rabbit hole goes! I already love drawing and painting insects, but I realised there is a somewhat limited range of insect sculptures and 3D around.
Ideally I'd like to be able to sculpt fairly accurate wasp sculptures to paint and maybe one day make available for educational use (as wasps are often so small as to not be able to understand their anatomy well with the naked eye).
Anyway, here's my first go after signing up for Andrew's course. Used some tie wire I had lying around (I've ordered some aluminium) for the armature and got some Sculpey primo to start with (I've also ordered some NSP medium).
I hope to eventually build insect/wasp armatures to sculpt onto. I like to work small, this figure uses a 1cm cranial unit size. I find the primo polymer clay a bit soft, it's hard to just wrap onto the wire. That's the first lesson I've learned, get harder clay...
Feedback appreciated, I'd also like any good info or courses on sculpting small creatures (aside general tabletop miniature sculpting with 'green stuff' I see a lot of - which I'll also probably be interested in)?
I'm also maybe picking up 3D with Blender too to help plan sculptures, I really like Eric Keller's work as an (ideal) example!
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