I want to quit

Athul Krishna
Every cell in my body wants to quit drawing. I can't remember why I started drawing in the first place. I'm a college student and I've been drawing for three hours max a day for at least two years and I've improved a lot ,but as I keep going it's getting harder and harder. I don't think I have it in me anymore
Maybe it's not the drawing, but the pressure of homework, or drawing what somebody else tells you to draw rather that drawing for the joy of it. Or maybe it's not a good career choice for you but rather a leisure time thing. Some of my very best classes were taught by professors who made incredible drawings to illustrate their lessons. Maybe they didn't want the pressure of trying to earn a living with art. I became a nurse, so there has never been pressure to perform with my art. (which I hated). Good luck with this - sometimes you feel worse about stuff when you're very tired.
Maybe you are too hard on yourself?
I had a similar issue and I stopped drawing at all. My SO told me that I am too hard on myself, and maybe just enjoy drawing without expecting the outcome?
I am one of those people who are looking too far into the future, like to overthink. And that more often than not, paralyzes me. Then like my SO told me, I just started drawing 30 - 60 minutes every day, just for the fun of it. And most important - I go with expectation that my drawings will suck. I am expecting that they will look bad, and believe me, that makes it super helpful. There is no fear, that screeching voice in my head telling me "what if my drawing will suck?". Now I expect it, and I am no longer afraid. Try it out, don't be hard on yourself, just enjoy the texture, the pencils. Treat it as your time to cool off. Like you were a small child and just had fun!
Asked for help
Hi, im Htinlin Arkar from Myanmar(Burma).Im 21 now.Since i was kid i always love drawing. At my teenage i didn't draw and wasted my life with games. About 2 years ago i realize my life and i decided to train to become a artist.
In these 2 year i draw aleast 1 to 6 hours daily. I know i am progressing but it really slow and some didn't feel like improving at all.(studying head for about a year and i really can't invent head from imagination/ cant draw figure pose/ inconsistent proportion/line etc)
I'm worrying my progress would be slow just like these years and couldn't make my living with drawing. Since i m not wealthy introverted high school drop out with no social connection,plus my country situation, i can't do anything other things.now i can depending on my family but not forever.
So i tried to encourage myself to go out and ask for help. I really need suggestions or advices or help, anything, from you guys. I will try myself to follow to your ways. If possible can anyone mentor me through my art training.🙏🙏🙏
I recommend taking a look through Steven Zapata's videos on youtube. I was about to give up and those videos reminded me of the joy of art.
Take a break, may it be a month or a year. I was living the same last year and taking a break really helped me to start enjoying it again. Try new ways to approach your art, make the habit feel like the first time you did it.