Critiques Needed

Hi everyone,
I have no artistic training, but I like to sculpt, and I am trying to improve my skills. I am far more interested in hearing suggestions about how to improve my skills rather than comments that might apply only to this piece, but I imagine my errors in this piece are representative. In any case, I would be happy to hear any comments you have.
I would also be interested in hearing what sorts of practices I might take up to improve. Should I just try to sculpt as much as I can? Should I try to watch as many videos by sculptors (or perhaps draftspeople) as I can? Should I seek out regular critiques by sculptors and art teachers?
The sculpture in the pictures is in water-based clay and is a little larger than 3/4 of life size.
If you could at least uploaded the side I could see it better
I would start off doing a skulls well, it is always a struggle when you don’t see the land mark. Nice sculpture, I would remove the hard lines on the face as there are no hard lines on the nose and the jaw looks blocky if that is intentional. Far as I see even people have strong jaw chin still have taper off softly.
Should be pretty proud of yourself....looks like you have the fundamentals down very well.