Burnout in art
nNoah Nee
Hi I've been working and studying art for 3 years. So at the beginning I was so eager to get better and improve. I mostly spend 8hrs at work and 6 more hrs for practice in the first 1-2.5 yrs. I wanted to create my own pj for myself but after a time I just hate whatever I did. And the 4th year in my career coming and I somehow just got too tired and have no more motivation to do any pj or even practice and study. I still love drawing and art so much, but I've been stopped drawing for 5 months (aside of work), I'm working full time now so I want to spend the rest of the night to relax and I lost the motivation to do anything else. Can someone give me any advices, I would appreciate that. Thank you so much!
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William Amos
Asked for help
Hello My name is Bill. Kinda along the same lines, I am older (like to draw people/s protaits). Don't know if my famoly really likes them. Draftsman 35 years, now could do something artist wise now. 1. Police sketchn artist, I thought Proko had like a start kit or something of face parts. 2. Would people pay to have pencil drawings done and could Peoko set uo artist; might be profit to them (setup with fedzex tp print one time only) just couple of my thoughts, I am just a member with these questions? hope ypu dont mind the input. Bill
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