Breaking bad habits

I draw sloppy lines, and it’s super ingrained in me to redraw a line multiple times. Has anyone had much success with breaking such habits? I want to keep a good flow while drawing nice lines, but I struggle to just do a nice smooth line and move on. I’ve included some 60 second gesture drawings from today.
Any feedback and advice would be appreciated.
Proko's Drawing Basics course has a lesson about lines, watch it. Alternatively, you can practice drawing Straight lines and circles one page per day.
When drawing lines, move your elbow, not wrist.
Getting in flow will take some time, It's okay to redraw when you are a beginner.
I am not a beginner, and I am not offended just clarifying. I’ve been drawing since 97/98 or so. My line quality is obviously better than it was back then, but some of the habits I started back then are what I am struggling to break.
I have watched some of the basics course, I can’t afford the whole course at the moment but I’ve watched most of the free ones. I will focus on additional line drawing practice though and I love Proko’s vids and have no problem watching them repeatedly. I appreciate the advice, thank you!