Project - Simplify to CSI

Course In Progress

Project - Simplify to CSI

Course In Progress

Download the photo reference images and try to simplify them using CSI lines. Draw each line with a focused and intentional path.

Your pace should be quick, but not rushed.

For this exercise, we will just consider the individual segments of the contour of a shape.

Same instructions for level one and two. Just a difference in difficulty of reference. The level two photos have more fun little tidbits to tempt you to get into the details, but fight the urge and simplify.

Also, no shading in these please. This is not meant to be a portfolio piece.

C = C Curves
S = S Curves
I = Straights

If you'd like to have a chance to be included in the upcoming critique videos, you must submit your drawings below by February 16th

Kiefer Keddy
Oh my bad dog just realized you said no shading I gotchu 😉
Kiefer Keddy
Say no more boss 👌
Neo Diamond
Found the boots really hard, especially the laces. Also had a bit of trouble keeping my lines clean, overall happy with it though!
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are cool. I like how you pushed the proportions of the boots. There’s a nice style to them.
I did all four of the assignments and also layered them on top of the original images to see how closely I got the proportions. A common thread I saw on review was that I tend to make the section of the drawing I start at much bigger than everything else like the shell on the snail, the sole on the right boot, the hump on the camel, and the jaw on Skelly. I also noticed that on the boots and Skelly's hat I seemed to have been trying to follow the contours more rather than simplifying. I think I did well simplifying the Snail and Camel, as well as Skelly himself but I seem to have faltered on the clothing If I were to critique myself I would say I need to pay closer attention to proportions as I get away from where I started, but still focus most of my attention on simplifying throughout the entire drawing rather than just the organic portions Any input would be greatly appreciated!
So close, I might have spent too long on the sketching. Also lines seem a lil stronger than I would like.
My first attempt with paper (I tried the boots a few days ago with procreate). I tried to make the sketches using the least amount of time possible, two minutes for the snail, five minutes for the camel and ten minutes for the skull. I only used HB for the basic shapes and 2B for the finishing lines.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice! Using a time constraint forces you to only focus on what is most important.
I attempted the boots but kept getting crossed with the perspective angle near the bottom of the boot and the part that was unzipped. So went to the snail and I had to keep reminding myself NOT to do all the little details.
Ryan C
Here's my attempt at the Level 2 skull, with some thumbnails and smaller studies on the side done as a warm-up. I wasn't sure when to stop adding detail, so I stopped when I liked the look of it.
Patrick Bosworth
Nice work! I like how you simplified the teeth with big shapes, and the thumbnails are a great warm up!
Auren Loper
This was very difficult once I started the boots, lol. I kept having problems with proportion and had to erase and try to continue from there, I decided to do just the left boot for now. I kind of want to come back to it later to gauge improvement. Also, I found myself having to remind myself that I was to choose lines carefully and deliberately. Which, I then proceeded to forget to do. xD Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Ryan C
I know, the boots were so hard! I think you did a good job contending with the laces. And I really like some of your clean confident lines, especially the curves that define the upper part of the boot. One thing I notice is that the bottom of the boot feels like it's sloping off to the left, and so it doesn't quite have the impression of sitting on the ground. I would suggest trying to use some straight lines on the bottom of the sole and in the vertical potion of the heel to ground it and give it some more structure. (Even if you're seeing curves in those sections and you want to put them in, you could start with a straight line as a guide and then turn it into a very subtle curve.) Good job, nice lines! It will be cool to see the other boot if you decide to come back to it.
i fee; like i put too much detail into both of the snail and boots
Melanie Scearce
I think overall you did great! There are maybe a few areas where you could simplify more, but again for the most part you've done a good job picking your CSI lines. It can be easy to get lost in the bumps and texture but try to find the most accurate simplified path.
James Delacroix
My snail was way too much detailed :c So I did this one and try my best to make this simple with a lot of dynamic lines ✨
Lucas Crabtree
My attempt at the snail and one of the boots. The boots were really challenging for me so I just did one and I'm happy that it even looks like a boot. I didn't like how light my lines were in my first attempt so I went back with a softer pencil but I'm still unsure how I feel about it. Let me know what you guys think and what I could do different in the future.
Lvl 2 - Before demo I am really happy with this ones specially the camel cuz I think I made him kinda cute◝(ᵔᗜᵔ)◜
you totally did :D
Lvl 1 - Before demo First attempt and I think I beat my record of miscalculating the space (ᵕ—ᴗ—) Hopefully the dark strings are not too much cheating Btw lost my eraser when making the second boot (left) and the Snail so they are more scratchy
Melanie Scearce
You could try very lightly sketching an "envelope" to work out the proportions and overall height and width of your drawing. For the two boots it would be a shape kinda like the Pizza Hut logo. The trick is to do it light enough that it fades behind the darker marks.
Brook Cleveland
Randomly chose the boots as a first attempt without viewing the demo... didn't know it was the more difficult of the two until I saw the snail... The proportions looked off, especially the right boot, I got *very* sloppy doing the laces and my lines aren't the cleanest, but overall I'm surprised and happy that I was able to managed this!
I drew my snail and just one boot because it was extremely challenging—it took me a whole week just to draw this one boot...
Melanie Scearce
That's totally fine! Don't stress about speed, it will increase as you practice. Congrats on getting it done 👏
Leon Taraldsen
So after my first attempt, I realise that drawing the contour lines of laces on a shoe is no joke! Like seriously hard without hiding mistakes in shading. I would honestly say after attempting this I would need a lot more practice to pull this off. Maybe I will do the next boot as my day 14 in the 14 day drawing challenge and work my way up doing contour drawings. This was seriously hard, especially for a level 1 exercise.
Melanie Scearce
It is definitely a challenge, and you did great! Nice work
Tried the snail. Will do boots soon.
this is my attempt at Lvl 2. frustrated with how both of these turned out. but trying to trust the process.
My lvl 2 exercices. Itried to be more mindfull of my proportions. Kept it up fellow artists!
Melanie Scearce
These are so clean! Great work 👍
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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