Project - Learning to Sketch from Observation

Course In Progress

Project - Learning to Sketch from Observation

Course In Progress

Use the three reference images of clean line drawings and sketch them using simple loose lines. Don't try to match the cleanliness of these drawings. Instead, sketch them out with energetic, tapered strokes. Don't hesitate. Just practice moving your arm with confidence. If you draw some lines and then you realize that, Oh, shoot, I need to curve that more. Go ahead and just draw the new curve right over it. As you get more confident that you've found the shape, you can darken those lines and the lighter lines start to disappear. Focus on the big idea and the shapes the lines represent, rather than on each individual line. 

For you, Level 2 monster trucks, I want you to start with this Level 1 project as a warmup, and then head over to the Learning to Sketch from Imagination project page for your instructions.

If you'd like to have a chance to be included in the upcoming critique videos, you must submit your drawings below by March 9th 2023

Good luck and please have some fun!

Retried the penguin because I realized way too late that the proportions were way off. Retried the hand because I feel like I didn't capture the energy of the pose and it just felt flat. Second try has more confident lines I feel. Don't know how I feel about the robot girl.
watched the demo and critiques and now I think I wasn't exploring with my lines enough. Here's another try.
Ary 27 P
Auren Loper
I don't think I did the VR girl as the assignment wanted. I thought I was sketching and being loose, but after I watched the demo on her, I decided to try again on the Penguin. Likewise, I definitely enjoyed the penguin more. P.S. I forgot to do the cross-contour lines on another layer.
Ben Johnston
I like the cross contour lines on the penguin! They do a great job of showing the volume of the body. Getting that profile right was something I struggled with.
Hi all, first post on the site, pre demo. What do you think? Any advice?
Ben Johnston
Hey folks. This one took multiple attempts for each drawing for some reason. Feedback would be great as always. Thanks in advance!
Happy Thursday All! this is my Attempt at level 1. About to go dive into level 2. Until then I'd love some Feedback on how to be better.
Melanie Scearce
Your line quality is looking great! I can see you using searching lines and keeping them loose. The VR girl has really great gesture. I think you can loosen up even more -- just remember to keep your lines very light until you find the right ones, then darken them.
Tried to be more intentional with which lines I make dark for these. Proud of these overall, though my proportions still need lots of work.
I tried to set a time limit for myself with this one. 10min, the penguin was way below that, the comic character was I think at least twice as long because of all the details.
Melanie Scearce
These turned out great! Don't stress it if you don't get these done in a certain amount of time. Speed will come with practice. Right now the most important thing is to go at the speed of your thoughts and be intentional about the lines you're placing.
Illia Cherkasov
Sketch from Observation
Hello, I wish you all a good day ! here is my works, : )
I think I did pretty good all around with exception of the hand. I don’t know why I had such a hard time with that one but at least I know anatomy is something I need to improve on. Any critiques are welcomed!
Sabine Anzenhofer
My first attempt pre demo 🫤
Melanie Scearce
Agreed, these look great! I like the loose quality of the lines.
Tommy Pinedo
why :/? therese are good for pre demo :) I look forward to your post demo attempts :) nice job!
Tried to resist erasing mistakes! Any feedback welcome thank you!!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Lovely variety of line weights. Great work!
This felt really rough/tough for me. First I really misjudged the size of the robot on the page. And completely fell apart trying to draw the circle on the edge of the page. I’m still struggling a bit to get that tapered line when I’m just sketching. I feel like I did mostly lost lines (per the metaphor). Very very lost lines. It did feel like it improved (from robot to hand to penguin) but I also need to lighten up it feels like. Otherwise, lines show through where I really just meant them as reference (the penguin’s bottom/leg). Feels like I need more daily practice with this tapered line and clean/strong lines. My lines feel really unsure and shaky. Any advice welcome!
wow now this one was a lot of fun but I can tell I have a lot of shape language to learn! If anyone has some tips for me I’d love to hear them! critique always welcomed!!
Melanie Scearce
Bravo! Your proportions look great on these. As someone with a heavy hand myself I think what helped me is training myself to slow down. I tend to make darker marks when I get ahead of my thoughts, maybe as a way to counter the lack of confidence in my lines, so noticing myself and reminding myself to be more intentional in my mark making really helps keep things light and loose. It doubles as a meditate exercise haha. Hope that's helpful :)
the order here is a bit messed up: i did the penguin, then the arm and then the vr girl. Its hard not to get lost in the details. And with these sketches i figured, that i like to sketch with the blue pencil:). Is there anything i can improve?
Did them in order and I felt better as it went on. The lost vs found lines really stuck with me and I tried to find the correct line and show it. Sometimes I got a bit tired but fun exercise!
Michał Staniszewski
Pinguin was quite nice. When drawing hand, i was crying, but on the third one i started to feeling some control.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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