Activity Feed
Marco Sordi
2022/7/12. Good morning everyone. As a warm-up exercise I tried this experiment today. I am currently drawing a full figure and I realized that although the initial intentions were to occupy almost the entire sheet (42x29.7 cm) in the middle of the work the figure barely occupied half the area of ​​the sheet. I believe that in an attempt to draw the subject in the photograph in the most realistic way and close to the original, I unconsciously tend to decrease the size of the drawing and reduce it to the original size of the photo. So I took a new subject and a very large sheet of paper. In 15 minutes I drew a very fast sketch but as correct as possible in the gesture and in the arrangement of the various elements in relation to each other. The final figure is 1.4 times larger than the original (25 cm vs 35 cm). The result is very interesting. Apart from some inaccuracies, such as the position of the left shoulder and the malleolus and feet, more or less all the elements are in place and in the right proportions. The gesture seems to me rather accurate. I was wrong to identify the center of the figure (I thought it was the X in blue instead it is a little more to the left and below). I think I managed to bring the right proportions but on a larger scale, because I marked the top and bottom of the figure and because I drew the gesture by observing both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Thank you very much and have a good day everyone.
Amazing work from you, I expected no less
Marco Sordi
2022/3/15. Good morning everybody. Here’s my daily 30 minutes warming up exercise exercise. Studying the body and the head proportions in Japanese manga. Thanks.
Can't say much help, but point out in your (in my opinion) good edges. When it comes to head and body proportion, by looking and comparing your drawing to actual professional mangaka, these are perfect, but for the head, I think the eyes are slightly too big, but if its a Manga, then it is art-style dependant, so your eyes are correct in subjectively. Overall in proportion? Perfect, on par to a Professional Standard Manga
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